Saturday, May 28, 2005

Wesley Blog: Church Music & Your Soul

I'm sure many of you have already read this excellent column. I have to say that I agree with Shane's opinions and hope that many more of our churches would be willing to accept change, and not grow stagnant, eventually die. Seven last words of the church "We never did it that way before".

Wesley Blog: Church Music & Your Soul


Scott said...

I thought you were at the Race!!! You should not lie to your all time best friend, I think I'll go and cry :(

Scott said...

Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! You are becoming more like "Dean Smith" everytime you speak. Lies, Lies, and more Lies. Then, you give your tickets to someone else before asking me, I'm really sad. I hope I can sleep tonight with this "stabbing in the back". I now know how Caesar felt when he saw Brutus stab him. It doesn't feel good. I guess I'll have to make new plans in late September. I probably didn't listen to you about Miami either :)

Scott said...

what has changed about the trip home???

Anonymous said...

If Scott and Darell didn't needle each other, then that is when the world would end! :D

Scott said...


Darel and I are in negotiations to replace "Kornheiser and Wilbon" on PTI.

Scott said...


You would only get paid for half of what Stat boy makes, because I don't make mistakes. You would only have to work when Darel speaks.

How's your new (old) job going? Opps, that's personal. I guess you will need to call me and give me an answer. :)