Monday, May 09, 2005


I don't see how they are going to tie up all these lose ends in the next three hours. The writers on this show seem to enjoy stretching everything to the EXTREME, but it sure is fun to watch. I know the body count tonight was one of the lowest for an episode, but the tension with the Chinese now, that was worth watching. I hope we don't put an enbargo on Chinese food. That would be a disaster and what this "jimmy carter" president would do. Palmer needs to slap him around a little bit.

I'm glad to see that Chloe and Jack could become an item. Chloe will be there for Jack at 8:00am. I know she would be better than Audrey. I don't like her at all. I'm also upset that Chloe was told she had a "personality disorder". That was not nice. Audrey has more of an disorder than "Commando Chloe".

I don't see how they're going to resolve this missile (unless we shoot it down over the great lakes, or it misfires into the Atlantic). It doesn't look good for some city on the east coast. I hope it's not Kannapolis that is the target.

The situation with China, and it looks like on the previews that they were firing a missle into Jack's car, if I saw that correctly. I also wonder if the show will have a special commercial reminding people that Chinese people are not all bad as they did with Muslims earlier in the season???

It looks like Tony and Michelle may get back together, but I read that two people are going to die in the final episode. I hope it's not like the first season, with Jack's wife being killed after getting back together.

The previews finally show Sec. Heller and his son from the beginning of the day. I was wondering what had happened to them. I have a bad feeling about those two and their possible involvement with Marwan. I wonder if Marwan will suffer the same fate as Nina, at the hands of Jack Bauer.

Hoping for a Fifth Day in 2006!

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