Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Fantasy Football Mock Draft

I can't believe that it's only a few more months before I'm able to draft the greatest fantasy team of all time in the Aldridge Football League!!! Let's Go SledgeHammers!!! - Writers - James Quintong: Football mock draft -- May edition - Thursday May 19, 2005 11:41AM


Scott said...

Oh, this would be very intesting if i beat you at something else. I believe I whipped you at pickem, the last time you played in 03. You were scared to play in 04 :) The rules are simples, Td's = 6pts
Fg's = 3pts
20+ rushing = 1pt
50+ receiving = 1pt

That's basically the scoring system!!!

Anonymous said...

Scott, you may have a "Fantasy Team", but my husband has a (are you ready for this?) "Fantasy Farm"! He watches RFD on Direct TV, and when they have on the cow auctions, he sits in our living room and bids on the cows. I think though, he has enough of them now. Next, he needs some horses. :D

Scott said...

Fantasy Farm, I should not be surprised since Steve did graduate from South Rowan High School. I'm sure they have a class on that at the high school by now.