Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunday's Notes and Things

Kidkeeper, Welcome to "Scott and Friends". I hope you enjoy the site and I hope you are not just another hardheaded, stubborn, know it all, Canup :)

Here's an update on the "Koran" sign at the Baptist Church.


U2 Voted Best Live Band!!! Is this really a surprise??? All they needed to do was call me and I could have given them the answer.

U2 news article - from @U2

What doth Bono and Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life) author have in common?

Weblog: What Doth Bono Have to Do with Rick Warren? - Christianity Today Magazine

Lastly, I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day and that we remember the sacrifices that soldiers have made for our Freedoms.

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

Scott, you should know by now that I am not a Canup. - I'm a CHESTER! Even when I WAS a Canup, I was the smartest, wisest, most sensible, sweetest, and prettiest one in the whole bunch. Just ask Darell. :)

Scott said...


I'm glad to hear that you are not a mouthpiece for your evil, twisted little brother. I guess after 20+ years of being a Chester, you no longer qualify as a Canup. :)


How many Koran's can you find???

Anonymous said...

I was told today by my youngest son, that a Karan is a book that compiles the first 5 books of our Bible. Is this true or not?

Scott said...

The Koran does have some of the same individuals from the Old Testament, but it's not the Books of Genesis-Deutronomy that we have. Of course, Abraham is the father of both the Jews and the Arabs, so there are some of the same people involved.