Friday, May 20, 2005

Scott's Review of Sith

I've now seen the movie twice, so I'm now ready to write my review. I agree with most of the reviews that this is the best one of the prequels (Phantom Menace, Clones). The movie starts as all of them, with amazing action and special effects.

Obi Wan and Anakin are sent to rescue the Chancellor. R2D2 steals the first 15 minutes with some of the best scenes of the movie. We learn that R2 must have some Jedi in his circuits. He takes out some very large robots, and even has a since of humor. He has to hide his "cell phone" to keep the robots from finding him as Obi Wan is talking to him. Anakin takes care of Dooku and they return home.

The middle part of the movie is showing us how evil the chancellor is as he manipulates events to win Anakin to the Dark Side. The movie quickly grows darker and more sinister as Palpatine is getting his way.

Anakin will fall for the lies of Palpatine, and then attack his very own Jedi's. Mace is the first to die at Anakin's hands, and then the children. I did enjoy that the command to take out the Jed's by Darth Sidius was "Order 66". As many of you know, "66 is the greatest year of the 20th century". It did bring a smile to my face, even though it meant the destruction of the Jedi's.

The end was shocking (not really) but we have the long awaited duel with Vader and Obi Wan. It was the best light sabre duel of the series. Yoda, as a side effect, is taking on the emperor. It basically ends in a draw. Vader will eventually lose the lower part of his legs and then catch on fire.

We see the costume placed on Vader, and get to hear his famous breathing. At the same time, Luke and Leia are being born. Vader's wife unfortunately dies, after Vader puts a jedi choke hold on her, and Vader is lied to by the emperor once more. Vader believes he killed her and has no idea that his children were born.

1 comment:

Scott said...


"but Vader acts and speaks just like Anakin"

You do know that Vader = Anakin?????