Saturday, May 28, 2005

Notes and Things

Finfan, glad to see you back on board. You were missed!!!

I'm sorry that I did not get around to posting yesterday, for I know there are people out there who need my opinion, or articles that interests me, on a daily basis :)
Yesterday, I was very busy. I went to see Sith for the third time with Michael, and yes, it's still a good movie and I saw a few things that I did not catch the first two times. I saw Obi Wan pick up the light sabre that he will give to Luke. Missed that the other times.

Last night, I was the commencement speaker at Harvest Christian's Graduation Service. I thought it was a really good graduation, even if I was a speaker, and I spoke on Proverbs 3:5-7. I have to admit, I was a nervous wreck before speaking.

Then, many of the students and former basketball players met at Patrick's house. I got to play basketball (I'm very out of shape, I have to work on that real soon), ping pong (still have it after all those years). It was a great night to get to see everyone again. It was like a family reunion and was a lot of fun.

Today, I'm off to see Anna play tennis at the Speedway in a few hours. I hope she doesn't get beat too bad by those Nascar Drivers she's playing.

I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend, and stay safe!!!


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