Saturday, May 14, 2005

Devils wouldn't be losing much

An update on the loss of Shav and how it will impact OUR DUKE BLUE DEVILS in 05-06 ;)


Scott said...

"Next year when my team is going 2-19, I think I'm going to get a back injury and let somebody else coach them."

Roy Williams, at the Nike Basketball Coaches Clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 23, 2005.

I think the only coach to get "sick leave" next year will be in Chapel Hill.

Scott said...

Roy Williams and Class, Remember this famous quote
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" opps wrong one

"Give me Liberty, or Give me Death"
Opps, wrong one again

"I couldn't give a $%$@ about Carolina". Roy Williams just days before accepting the head coaching job. He should have added, "or Matt Doherty"