Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary unc

I just wanted to wish all my tar hole friends a happy, one month anniversary on their National Championship. I am really proud of the progress that Doherty's boys showed from their freshmen year to their senior year. It is truly a great, Hoosiers style movie. I cant wait for the movie, that I'm sure will be on ESPN within the year. It will be a huge night this fall when they play the movies Junction Boys, 3, and Roy's Boys. I cant wait to see who the actors to play our heroes.

Dean Smith, Marlon Brando if he was still alive, but i guess it will have to be Al Pacino.
Matt Doherty, it has to be George Clooney.
Roy Williams, I think Bruce Willis, with a toupee.
The Players, anyone from a Spike Lee Movie.

Well, I hope you all enjoy today. I'm sorry that the "jailbreak" occurred so fast, that it has taken some of the joy away from their great accomplishment, but enjoy the next 5 months as National Champions. The Joy will quickly once they take the court in October.

Let's Go DUKE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clooney, might do a good Doherty, but he's not tall enough. They'll need somebody like Michael Richards. ( )

As for Roy Williams, he could probably play himself. If Coach K can go out selling his image for recruiting purposes, then surely Roy can do a simple made for TV movie. We know he's a good actor, he got away with taking credit for all of Doherty's players haha.