Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I know that we just had "friday the 13th" last week, and that we are sometimes people who are very supersitious about things. I know that there is nothing to any of them, and that they are definetly not of God. I know the article that goes along with the title, brings in the aspect of Sovereignity and Calvinism, but I don't want to get into that tonight. What are some of the things that you have done that could be considered superstitous.

I know that I have the "habit" that I will wear the same thing everytime my team win. It's usually nothing more than a shirt (DUKE). When I was coaching basketball, I would try to have the same "routines" (especially if we were winning). Wear the same clothes, the same pre-game routines, music, etc. One season, we even had a special "Bioncle Bird" that joined our pre-game "habit". The team even had victory "routines" after a win. I always put the starters in the same order, unless there was a new starter (see the last NKCA season).

Do you have any "habits" "routines" "superstitions"?


Scott said...

It's not that "Puke" shirt that I bought you for your birthday the other year, is it??? I hope not. That would be terrible if I somehow helped the Holes win a championship.

HappySam said...

this guy has created this crazy new calvalisam

Scott said...

Happy Sam, nice to come by the site. I was just wondering who you are???

"holy blue collar"??? what's up with that.

Anonymous said...

I have never really been superstious before, but I think I'm begining to be about one thing: About 2 years ago, I decided I wanted a fish aquiraum. I bought everything I needed, and then bought some fish. I named them all Bible names: Zephaniah, Deliah, Samsom,ect... Every one of them died within a week of purchase. So I bought another fish _ a Beta. I named him Enoch, because in the Bible Enoch didn't die. He just walked off to heaven with GOD. Well that was almost two and a half years ago, and Enoch is the only fish that has stayed alive. I have bought other fish but they have all died. For four days now, though, Enoch has floated on his side in the bowl, and every one asks me if he is dead. I gently tap on the side of the bowl, and he jerks to an upright position, Swims a stroke or two, and then goes right back on his side. I am seriously concidering changing his name to Peter, or John, or something, just so he can go ahead and die, and get out of his misery! :)