Tuesday, May 24, 2005

N.C. Church sign speaks the Truth? Would really like feedback on this one :)

What are your thoughts. I know that I do believe that the Bible is above every book, and that the Koran does not lead one to faith in Christ (or enter heaven).

But, is this the way to reach others with the gospel. I know some will say that Jesus sometimes took on people and used this time of approach. Jesus also was a friend of sinners and won them with love. Which one should we be doing?

The Digital Courier: Church sign sparks debate


Scott said...

Here's an update on the "Koran" sign. It has the Pastor's apology, and more information. Hope this helps answer the question.


Anonymous said...

This topic inspired this poem, and GOD gave me the words. I'd like to share it:


GOD'S word is, and always will be
The standard by which we are judged.
And should the stubborn REFUSE to believe -
Then, let them feel ruffled, or begrudged.

For it's GOD Himself, who declares what is true.
The King; The maker of all.
And forever throughout eternity's flame
The FOOL will despise his brash gall.

Now you, nor I can never change truth.
No matter what we may say or do.
An absolute truth from a century ago,
Today, is still ABSOLUTELY TRUE!

It's not about, "You believe your way, I'll do the same,
So, now then, everyone is just fine."
NO! - JESUS CHRIST is the way, the truth, and the life,
And THAT, friends, is from The DEVINE.

So let's not confuse our OPINION with fact;
Our PERFERENCE, with things that WILL BE.
Instead, let us cling to our one source of hope:
The Holy Bible - True ETERNALLY!

Written By:
Kathy Chester

Scott said...

Great Poem! You truly are gifted at writing. Maybe you can write a poem about darel. I would love to read that one.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I DID write a poem about him- a LONG time ago. Someday I will have to dig it out, and let you read it. You will have to keep in mind, though, I was just a little girl when I wrote it. It souds like it too. :)

Scott said...

I would love for an updated version of the poem. If it was when you were a girl, then darel would have been a toddler, so it's hard to say anything bad about a toddler. I want the real darel, 37 years old and obnoxious, arrogant, stubborn, sorry tennis player, etc Canup.

Anonymous said...

I'm agraid that if I did up-date that poem, you'd say I was biased. You see, I have a lot of GOOD thoughts about him. :)

Scott said...

I would never say your biased, your his sister. You should have some good thoughts. I may have one good thought, and that's everytime his fins or holes lose a game. I have a good thought then :)

I promise that I'll be nice on a 2005 poem about darel

Scott said...

I would never say your biased, your his sister. You should have some good thoughts. I may have one good thought, and that's everytime his fins or holes lose a game. I have a good thought then :)

I promise that I'll be nice on a 2005 poem about darel

Anonymous said...

In that case, I'll try to come up with something soon. :)

Scott said...

Then, a poem on the rest of the Canup family. A Canup family tree poem would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

You don't want much, do yoy? :D

Scott said...

That shouldnt take more than, six months or so :) I have supreme confidence that it'll be ready for a great Christmas gift for the "Family". You should thank me, Kidkeeper, you don't have to worry about Christmas shopping for your family anymore. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't usally 'WORRY" about that, anyway. I just wait untill the day before Christmas, and then run out and pick up the first thing I see, wrap it in pretty paper, and give it to everyone. :) (Not really!) :D

Scott said...

Does your family realize that you dont put much "thought" into their gifts. Wow, you run out the day before, that sounds like what a man is suppose to do. Ladies are suppose to be thoughtful and desire gifts that require some work and thought beforehand.


I want tell any of the Canups how you do your Christmas shopping. Your secret is safe on this blog :)