Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mountain Preacher

I know that this story is making the rounds on a lot of blogs and here in the local news in the Charlotte, N.C. area. This story brings out the following opinions in me.

First, I do not believe that church membership should ever be based on anyone besides Jesus Christ. I believe that you have to be a Christian, which includes a profession of faith and to be baptized as a sign of that covenant, is the only qualifications for church membership that I believe is taught.

Second, I agree that a pastor in the pulpit on Sunday should not publicly endorse a specific candidate, but that pastors should preach the Word of God. If the things that the Bible teaches tend to favor one candidate over the other, so be it. I know there are issues that are taught in the Bible that fall into the platforms for both parties, so the priority of the individual will help shape his political opinions. If someone feels that Abortion is the most important Biblical teaching, then they will probably vote Republican. If someone feels that "Helping the Poor and Widows" is the most important Biblical teaching, then they will probably vote democrat.

Third, the threat of taking away a church's "tax exempt" status over this, and see how the democrats used churches in the past campaign, just seems very Hypocritical to me. I remember John Edwards came and spoke to an African American church in the Charlotte region, and no one screamed for that church to lose their "tax exempt" status. I have seen both parties do this, and it does not really bother me or will not sway me one way of the other in an election. I believe that there are people in the IRS that would love to see this begin, and the dominoe effect that this would have on churches is very scary to me.


Anonymous said...

looks like that guy opened up something you folks over on the GOP side are going to regret.

Scott said...

Hi Anonymous,

I don't think it's any different from the use of the "church" by the democratic party over the past 40 years. It's a shame but both parties use the church for their own purposes. I also think that Christians should have a say in our government. I think some on the other side would love to pass a law that would forbid people of Christian values from voting.

P.S. I was wondering which of my friends you are?

Anonymous said...

I have to take issue with your statement, "if you are concerned with helping the poor or widows that you may vote democrat. Just the opposite is true. If you are poor and wish to stay that way, vote democrat.
All these social services does NOTHING to help people out of poverty. All it does it helps them stay IN poverty. Then it makes them become dependant on the government to raise taxes so they can be given a bigger hand out.
It was supposed to be the church who helped the poor and widows, not the government. This had a two fold approach that gave the ones helping those in need a platform to show the positive side of Christianity. Instead the government now over taxes the people, who are willing to work, to pay those who have become dependant on the government. Big government throws around phrases like "the rich get richer while the poor gets poorer" as a way to try to get society to accept their over taxation. What they fail to also mention is most of the people who agree with this idea fall into the classification as the "Rich".
If you made more than 21,850 dollars as a household last year then you are in the top 10% of the worlds wealthlest people. So lets see if the shoe fits. Are you getting richer and richer?? If so then instead of voting in leaders who are gonna raise taxes, just start giving out money to everyone who needs it. If not, and you think you deserve the money you work for, start voting for the party who understands smaller government is the way back to a society more like the one our forefarther envisioned. The ones that work SHOULD be the ones with more money. Not the ones to lazy to get up and get a job.

Scott said...


It appears you must be on the "Rush Limbaugh" talking point list, or maybe you are really Rush and your reading my site. That would be cool!!!