Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Get US out of the UN

I think we need to get out of the United Nations. It is nothing but a welfare program for the world. We are the law abiding taxpayers and countries that want kill us are the welfare lords. I know FINSFAN touched a little on this "Capitalism" but what do you think? The UN is a waste of our time, money and some very good real estate in NYC. I say "Get US our of the UN!!"


Scott said...

Agree :)

Anonymous said...

You folks should try reading something other than the bible. For one thing, God didn't write it; people did. And there's nothing in Genesis about the purpose of government, sneakyninja.

And yes, there are problems with the UN, but that doesn't mean we should throw out the baby with the bathwater. The UN is not wasting your money. Your own government is wasting it on an ill-conceived war in a country that had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks.

Scott said...

Dear Anonymous,

First of all, Welcome to the site and feel free to post. I hope that in the future, you could at least let us know who you are.

I also read other things beside the Bible. I do believe it is the greatest book ever written, but I also read books by Grisham, and Clancy. I've also read Walk On and parts of the Gospel According to the Simpsons :)

The Bible was written by men, but they were inspired by the Living God. See First Timothy, Chapter 3.

Second, the Bible does give us different examples of government. We have Theocracy (see Exodus-Joshua). Monarchies (see I Samuel - 2 Chronicles). You can see in the warning that Samuel gave the nation of Israel before they chose Saul as King that there are some governments better than others.

The United Nations, like the League of Nations, has not had much of an impact. As long as man is in a sinful condition, we will never be able to bring peace no matter how hard we may try. When Jesus returns, we will finally have peace. I believe that we should strive for peace until he comes, but you will always have Bin Ladens, and others who will not seek peace.