Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I have completed my first course on my way to my Master of Divinity. I'm attending Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and I'm taking my first 10 classes by their Semlink program. I finished all my papers and assignments and put them in the mail today. It felt better getting these assignments in the mail than it did when I finished my taxes :) Oh, it feels good to have the first class finished. I'm two months into my Church History Class and I've just registerd for my Christian Ethics Class. Now the bad news, I still have 29 classes to finish :(


Anonymous said...

Or you could just go to Berkley, and take journalism. That way you would get a class ALMOST as liberal. Oppps, who said that??

Scott said...


It would be nice if you were "person" enough to sign your name. Since I'm liberal, I used the word person in place of man. I see the reference to Berkley, so this "anonymous" must be a "dittohead".

