Tuesday, June 07, 2005

North Carolina University, Michael Jackson Update, Al Gore and Global Warming!!!

Wow, Sean May wants to be the first Bobcat from NCU!!! That's right, it's no longer unc but is NCU. I can't believe after 200+ years of history, they would change their name to NCU. I guess that means that unc still has only 3 NCAA Basketball Championship, and this new school, NCU has only one. Amazing, I guess that means that Concord will change their name to Smith's High Concord, or SHC instead of CHS. Wow, you guys can't handle success, but it's going to be great to see NCU back in the NIT in 06!!!

Let's Go DUKE!!!

AP Wire | 06/06/2005 | Sean May wants to play for Bobcats

It appears that M.Jackson just wanted to help the young man have a normal childhood.

ABC News: Exclusive: Michael Jackson Says He Wanted to Help Accuser Have Childhood

Al Gore Sighting!!!

Gore Urges Mayors to Fight Global Warming

Al Gore was not in the Carolina's in May!!!

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