Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Plott's Grandparent's House catches on Fire, John Kerry and W's Yale Grades, Really Good Cigarettes???

This is terrible news for one of our "Pioneers". I'm very thankful that no one was hurt. Let's keep them in our prayers and thoughts as they seek to rebuild their home.

Salisbury Post | LOCAL NEWS | Fire engulfs Kannapolis house

I know this would have been bigger news about 9 months ago, but it appears that John Kerry and W had about the same GPA!!! WOW!!! You would have never guessed that one :)

Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student - The Boston Globe - - Washington - News

I found this story very humorous. I hate that this took place near the greatest city in South Carolina, Charleston, but those must be some cigarettes to cause sixxxxxx people to get arrested over. WOW!!!

AP Wire | 06/07/2005 | 6 arrested in S.C. brawl over cigarettes

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