Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Blue Cross spending $500K at U.S. Open

Now I know why my rates are going up almost 20% this year. Ouch :(

AP Wire | 06/15/2005 | Blue Cross spending $500K at U.S. Open

1 comment:

Scott said...

I can't believe you could be so cruel. I've called you the past two days, everytime I heard on the radio to check on the "elderly", and you call me "old". At least I'm a considerate, kind, "old" man and not the "grumpy old man" you've become.

The Panther's comment does not change anything. It's smells of sarcasm, and insincerity, You Loser :)

P.S. Let's Go Spurs, built by team president Danny Ferry. Another Ring for a Dukie in two games :)