Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pac-Man turns 25, chomp chomping away

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAC-MAN!!! I did not like this game, I did like to play Mrs. Pac-Man and Galaga. I use to beat Darel all the time at Mrs Pac Man.

MSNBC - Pac-Man turns 25, chomp chomping away


Anonymous said...

You really need to stay focused on reality. I used to know you guys back then. You guys used to skip lunch (an idea that you both could put to use nowdays)and use your lunch money on Ms Pacman over at the Fast Fare. You guys did this every school day for several years. As best as I can remember you only beat him twice out of all those times.

Scott said...

Anonymous ???

First, Mrs Pac Man is reality!!!

Second, Have you ever seen me??? I don't look like someone who would skip lunch, at anytime in my life. :)

Third, See Above about Lunch Money.

Fourth, I know that I have more than 2 victories.