Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Speeders' 5-10 mph 'free pass' costs lives, report says

Any Thoughts???

Speeders' 5-10 mph 'free pass' costs lives, report says - Yahoo! News


Anonymous said...

The article kinda doesn't go with the headline. Basically the article is saying we are now experiencing the lowest death rate on the highways EVER!!!!
I say raise the limit 5 miles an hour.....except for trucks and double it for them.

Scott said...

I do agree it was misleading, with the idea that speeding is killing more people. As the article points out, there are more people driving than ever, so the number would be higher. When you take the average death rate per drivers, the rate is actually the lowest ever, as you point out.

Why do you wish the speed limit be higher for trucks than cars? Do You Drive A Truck :)