Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Accent

I need your opinions on "my accent". I was in Washington D.C. on Sunday afternoon, and Josh Parrisha and I were looking to find a Subway Sandwich Shop. There were 4 D.C. police officers outside of the FBI building, and I approached them to ask where a "Subway" was. A lady officer asked me "Where are you from"? I said, North Carolina, and she said that I had a "Heavy" accent. Parrish was scared to say anything, since I know he has a "Heavier" accent than I do. She was from Georgia, but had lived in D.C. for 16 years. She had lost her accent. I cant believe that in my nation's capital, I would have a accent that stuck out that much. We heard so many other languages, accents, etc, and I was picked out by this officer, Amazing.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds to me like she was flirting with you,you must look somewhat like your dad if she was flirting with you