Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hi From New Jersey

Well, it's 10:25 pm in New Jersey. The pool tables and bar is full, so I'm on the hotel computer :) I came to ride the world's largest and fastest coaster in the world, but it was broke down today. I did not get to ride Kingda Ka. Give me Cedar Point anyday :) They did have two rides here that were worthy of Cedar Point, Nitro and Medusa. Nitro was 230 feet and was a really good coaster. It was the only coaster that I rode twice today. The weather was great (mid 80's) and the park was not crowded for a Saturday. The longest wait was about 30-40 minutes, and that was only once. Six Flags Great America did have better shows than Cedar Point. There was a Dolphin show (nothing to do with those sorry football players in Miami, but there was one loser in the crowd with a marino jersey on). It was amazing to see how the Dolphins that God created are actually smarter and better coached than those losers in Miami. They also had an Extreme Sports type show with speed boats, jet skis, skaters, bicycles, etc. It was really cool.

Hope everything is good in Dixie and I can't wait to enter the Confederacy on Monday :) "I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray, Hooray!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Everybody,

I am in NJ also with Aldi. We are having a blast. Hopefully going to a phillies game tommorrow. Everything he said about the park is 100% correct. Awesome Shows and pretty cool rides. One ride was over one mile in length and lasted 4 minutes. Well worth the wait. I highly recommend this park to any roller coaster fanatic out there. Especially when Kingda Ka opens up. (Worlds largest fastest coaster) Well I'm outa here. Take care.
Joshua Parrish