Thursday, August 18, 2005

Generation X turns 40

I think everyone who is 25 or over will really enjoy this article. While I'm a member of Generation X, I'm glad I'm not the first one to hit 40 though :) I do have to take offense with the Napoleon Dynamite reference, for I've seen that movie a couple of times. It's a great movie.

Generation X turns 40 - 8/14/05

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm over 25 and the article irked me to no end. Whoever this "Williams" person is, he does not speak for me nor my friends. His point of view was stricly white middle-class. It's terrible there are so many references to this article across the Web, as if somehow the ad exec quoted by the writer captured the essence of our generation. I'm sparked to write my own book with more depth and complexity.