Friday, May 25, 2007

Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca

Wow, it's illegal for a "Christian" to even be in Mecca!!! Maybe the US should become more like our "Saudi" Allies and not allow muslims in our cities. I also read online where about 25% of young muslims living here in the USA believe that suicide bombings to defend their faith is OK.

Saudis arrest Christian for entering Mecca | Jerusalem Post


Anonymous said...

Hopefully the loving christians who also live in America won't be so hostile towards Muslims that they feel the need to 'defend' their faith. And vice versa, of course.

Scott said...

I do believe that we need to be loving to Muslims in our faith but it's many of the radical muslims who teach that we "are the great Satan" and I'm not sure that love is enough against those people of hate.