Thursday, May 17, 2007

Feeding the Dogs (III)

I know it's a little early to be feeding the dogs, but I will be returning from Atlanta late tonight. Kristy has to attend a pre-school graduation ceremony for Kids Korner tonight

I don't understand the purpose of all of these graduaton ceremonies before 12th grade. All of the years at TTCS and NKCA, I always thought that it was just a conspiracy for the makers of caps and gowns.

What will graduating from pre school, kindergarten, or even 5th grade get you? NOTHING!!! I don't believe in any of my job interviews that they asked if + graduated from Pre K, Kindergarten, etc.

So, as we enter graduation season, I hope you enjoy all of the "Pomp and Circumstances".
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Anonymous said...

I think that the ceremonies are more of a positive reinforcement for the kids. If they feel like they've accomplished something worthwhile (and elementary school is worthwile) then it's highly likely that their families and teachers will be proud of them. Which will make them feel good. Since everyone loves to feel good, they are probably more likely to think 'I like that! I'm going to stay in school'.

Unrelated, did you know that less than 50% of South Carolina schoolkids actually graduate from high school?

Scott said...

I guess I'm just too old. I felt that I accomplished something worthwhile when I got my final report card, and I was going to be promoted. I don't remember in the 70's and 80's we need that positive reinforcements, but the family is weaker today than it was back then (unfortunately)