Tuesday, June 05, 2007

We Miss You, Pres. Reagan

It was three years ago today that you passed away. You are surely missed by many Americans and we wonder if we will ever have a President as great as you. Since your Presidency, we have had two Bushes and one Clinton (and it looks like another one in 08). They have not come anywhere to your greatness.

Reagan was President when I was 14-22 (which are probably some of the most important years of anyone's life). Reagan was the reason that I became a Republican when I turned 18. He was a strong President and looked probably even stronger since he followed Jimmy Carter (the worse President ever). The day he was inaugurated, the hostages were released from Iran (we're still having problems with those people) and that help to usher in an era of being Proud to be an American again. Reagan stood up to the Soviet Union and would eventually win the Cold War (Putin looks like he wants to start it up again).

Reagan had personality and even as a teenager, I remember watching his press conferences and they were very entertaining. He was known as the great communicator. He did have a special gift to communicate even to young people. He did have his critics but it seemed that that was done in a more polite manner than today. It's amazing to think how much things have changed since the 80's when it comes to how we get information. You did not have the internet, 24 hours new channels (CNN was just starting, but that was the only one), conservative talk radio, and blogging. It was truly a primitive time.

I find it ironic that the Republicans have their second debate tonight and I'm sure they will try to compare themselves to Reagan (the first debate did come from his library underneath Air Force One). I'm afraid that I don't see a Reagan in this crowd, and with the things that "W" is doing now, I wonder if I even want to stay a Republican. I know I will not become a "donkey" but I'm afraid the Republicans will not find another Reagan anytime soon, and that's sad.

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