Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Highs and Lows

I am officially a GREAT uncle! Addison Rabon was born this afternoon. She weighed 7lbs and 1 ounce. The mom and dad are doing fine.

I knoiw that many of you have never heard or seen the old ABC Sports Show 'the wide world of sports'. The opening for that show mentions the 'thrill of victory and agony of defeat'. We did experience both today in our family.

At the time that Addison was being born, Brittney Rabon was having a miscarriage. She lost a baby boy. As a family, we had a birth and death n the same day. We experienced both the "thrill" and "agony" of life on the same day.

I know that God has a purpose in everything that we experience on earth. He's a great and awesome God and His ways are far above our ways.

I would encourage you to pray for the Rabon family in the coming days. Pray for God's Grace to be on us in the coming days.
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Chad Lingafelt said...

Congrats on the new kid!
We'll keep you in our prayers.

MessyJessy said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeee <- that 's dolphin for "CONGRATULATIONS Great Uncle Scott!"
Joy and sorrow at the same time...We'll be praying for your family.

We have a secret to tell you! Let's El Amigo sometime soon!