Monday, January 16, 2006

I'm Back and 24's Back Too

I know that it has been a long time since i've last blogged. It was way back on Oct. 31. The majority of you know that since that time, Kristy has been dealing with very severe headaches. She spent 29 days in November in the hospital. She spent 3 days in December in the hospital also. Kristy is still having some very bad headaches, but things are slowly getting back to normal.

24 is BACK! I'm very angry that they killed off President Palmer and Michelle. That was just WRONG! I had read online that it was going to happen, but I thought maybe they would not do it. I was wrong on that one :( It was good and tonight's episode looks really intense. I was also glad that Kim was nowhere to be seen :) I cant stand President Logan. He is completely opposite from President Palmer. Logan is just a wimp. I know they did not mention it, but did the President on Air Force One that was shot down 18 months earlier die??? Logan was the Vice President and only took over while the other one was injured. There's no way that we would elect that wimp, so I assume that the president did die in the Air Force One crash last season.

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