Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I thought last night's episodes were very intense. The tension of executing the hostages reminded me of the time when jack was in prison and playing russian roulette for the amount of tension. I did not believe they were going to kill derrick (i think that is Jack's "son"), but i dont think he looks like a 15 year old. Chloe continues to rule CTU and it's good to see that she is still the "smartest woman alive".

Mrs. Logan is quite interesting. It seems that President Logan doesn't respect her and he treats her terribly. I hope that mole with the President doesnt survive much longer. He's already getting on my nerves and he needs to be stopped.

I'm surprised that there is a supply of nerve gas within about 10 minutes of that airport. I do have a question, the hostage that was given the "key" to the nerve gas, wasnt he the one they grabbed for a moment to be executed by one of the terrorist. I guess everyone of the terrorist's knew what was going on, as usual.

I love the back to back episodes but now we have to wait a whole week between episodes for the remainder of the season. I know in March, when Prison Break returns, Monday night will be the new "Must See TV" night the way NBC was on Thursday in the 90's.

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