Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I-85 widening meeting!

Happy Halloween! I wanted to share with you a very scary story. I know many of you drive Interstate 85 and you get caught in the terrible bottleneck from UNCC through Concord. The county is growing so fast, and they do not plan to widen the interstate until 2011! Four years and it's only going to get worse.

In Atlanta, they added one lane to Interstate 85 for 3 miles in less than a month. I don't know why they can't do the same thing here in North Carolina.

K&W Cafteria map was the only one I could find on goggle. I'm not quite old enough to become a BIG fan of K&W yet :-)

Charlotte Observer | 10/30/2007 | I-85 widening meeting today


MessyJessy said...

The baby really likes K&W! Hee hee!

Scott said...

I hope your joking or you may be delivering a "senior citizen".