Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm Back

I know that I've not been posting for the past few months. I've been busy with a few things. First, the few weeks after Katrina, I was busy reading and watching all the TV stuff on the Hurricane. It was really strange to be watching history in the making during Katrina. As many of you know, I've always been fascinated, or maybe obsessed with Hurricanes. It was truly amazing and I hope that we continue to keep those people in our prayers and continue to support them with $$$ to your favorite charity.
Second, the middle of September, I was working on completing my second seminary class. I was having to write 2 papers, and take a final exam for my Church History class. I have completed 2 classes, 28 to go. I have 2 months left in my Christian Ethics class, so I have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks. I've also been busy with my website, with it being football season. Be sure to check it out.

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