I know that the man does admit that he was angry with the Muslims at this college, but I believe that most crimes are "hate" crimes.
v. hat·ed, hat·ing, hates
a. To feel hostility or animosity toward.
b. To detest.
2. To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes.
To feel hatred.
1. Intense animosity or dislike; hatred.
2. An object of detestation or hatred: My pet hate is tardiness.
Murder, stealing, vandalism, and many other crimes are all "Hate" crimes. I hate how they are trying to make "hate" crimes as anything against gays, muslims, and other groups.
Koran abuse draws hate-crime charge - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
1 comment:
I disagree that the designation of a particular kind of crime as a "hate" crime is stupid. A "hate" crime by definition accepts that a certain amount of premeditation has occurred. It is an act of blinding passion, as are other crimes of passion, but in the case of "hate," the passion may be based entirely on bias. Obviously, its purpose is to create a layer of protection for those most vulnerable to biases.
On the other hand, to say that flushing a book down the toilet is a hate crime IS stupid. Having a bias against the Koran--or the Bible or Torah for that matter--has its merits. (My bias I suppose: I'm not a fan of religion.) Those texts, one could argue, not only contain hate but are well known as great inspirations of hate, whether deserved or otherwise. I also believe that giving a book or any other inanimate object (such as a flag or corporation) personhood is itself stupid.
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