I have some shocking news to confess to all my friends. I know that this could change your opinion of me for years to come. There is a part of me that said I should keep this secret, but after the events this afternoon, it's tine to confess.
Once again, I hope that this will not change your opinion of me, but that will be up to you.
The confession that I need to share with y'all is that "I'm getting old". I know that is shocking to many of you, but I met Josh Shepard to play bball today at the Kannapolis YMCA. He did sweep me 4 games to none (even if I had a shot to winb game 3). After beating him in horse, we went to the raquetball court. This is where I learned that I'm old and needed to confess.
I've played tennis 1000's of times in the past, and sprinted to the net to hit a winner. As I was running this time to hit a winner, I felt a rip in my right leg for the first time in 40 years. I've pulled my hamstring and I'm laying here in pain.
I know that it comes as a shock that I'm getting older, but I felt that I needed to let you all know.
Pray that I heal quickly.
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