Tuesday, May 31, 2005
''Sith'' tops the box office again, Amusement Parks,
Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | Box Office Report: Surprise -- ''Sith'' tops the box office again
Here's an article on some of the new rides at different parks around the USA! If it's not Cedar Point, it's just second rate. Long Live the Point!!!
Salisbury Post | LIFESTYLE | For theme park fans, this summer promises to be the best in a while
I'm still waiting for Sneaky Ninja's Devotionals to resume. The Blog would be a great place to post your devotions. :)
Monday, May 30, 2005
Monday's Notes and Things
Anna-mania takes over at Racefest - Independent Tribune - Concord and Kannapolis
Starbucks comes to Salisbury. Wasn't that company owned by Dr. Evil a few years ago???
Salisbury Post | LOCAL NEWS | Starbucks will soon be perkin'
Does anyone find it VERY INTERESTING how Jimmie Johnson has one the last three 600 races since it was named LOWE'S Motor Speedway??? I guess it is just one of those weird concidences in life.
Charlotte Observer | 05/30/2005 | Johnson won't give up chase
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Scott Fowler vs. Anna: Not a pretty sight
Charlotte Observer | 05/29/2005 | Me vs. Anna: Not a pretty sight
Sunday's Notes and Things
Here's an update on the "Koran" sign at the Baptist Church.
-- Beliefnet.com
U2 Voted Best Live Band!!! Is this really a surprise??? All they needed to do was call me and I could have given them the answer.
U2 news article - from @U2
What doth Bono and Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life) author have in common?
Weblog: What Doth Bono Have to Do with Rick Warren? - Christianity Today Magazine
Lastly, I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day and that we remember the sacrifices that soldiers have made for our Freedoms.
God Bless,
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Wesley Blog: Church Music & Your Soul
Wesley Blog: Church Music & Your Soul
Jeff Gordon donates $1M for hospital
Shame on You :)
Jeff Gordon donates $1M for hospital - Independent Tribune - Concord and Kannapolis
Notes and Things
I'm sorry that I did not get around to posting yesterday, for I know there are people out there who need my opinion, or articles that interests me, on a daily basis :)
Yesterday, I was very busy. I went to see Sith for the third time with Michael, and yes, it's still a good movie and I saw a few things that I did not catch the first two times. I saw Obi Wan pick up the light sabre that he will give to Luke. Missed that the other times.
Last night, I was the commencement speaker at Harvest Christian's Graduation Service. I thought it was a really good graduation, even if I was a speaker, and I spoke on Proverbs 3:5-7. I have to admit, I was a nervous wreck before speaking.
Then, many of the students and former basketball players met at Patrick's house. I got to play basketball (I'm very out of shape, I have to work on that real soon), ping pong (still have it after all those years). It was a great night to get to see everyone again. It was like a family reunion and was a lot of fun.
Today, I'm off to see Anna play tennis at the Speedway in a few hours. I hope she doesn't get beat too bad by those Nascar Drivers she's playing.
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend, and stay safe!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2005
My 24 Review, and EW.com ''24'': Jack's disappearing act
First, I have to say on a scale of 1-10, I would give it an 8. I know it's not a ten, but I can be hard to please sometime. You can ask my ex players about a certain game at Comenius a few years ago.
Second, I am so glad that they have learned to give us a happy ending, for the first time in the series. I guess some may it's not a happy ending, with Jack on the run from the stupid Chinese. I hope this doesnt affect our importing of Chinese food, for I do love their food. It makes me hungry just thinking about it. The first season, we had the death of Terri, Jack's wife. That was not a happy ending. The second season, we had the infamous handshake with President Palmer and Mandy. The third season, Jack was just left crying in the car after the long day. Finally, the season ends with the great trio of Jack, Tony, and Michelle all alive and together. The only thing that could have been better, is if Chloe was there to give her support.
Third, I'm glad that Marwan will not be back to torment us. I guess that Jack will have a scar on his hand next season that will remind us of Marwan. Jack and Palmer now have a scar on their hand in common. I was a little disappointed that the missle was shot down so easily and it would not explode unless it hit it's target. I don't think they had mentioned that before, so that was a little disappointing.
Fourth, Mandy was something else. Killing her neighbors and being able to make them walk to a car to be blown up, WOW. She must have some amazing power of persuasion. I also liked how Tony cut his foot, to leave a trail for Jack to follow. Great thinking by Tony who I thought was just a dead man walking the entire episode. I'm disappointed that the previews showed Jack facing down Mandy with Tony her prisoner, so when the car blew up, I knew it wasnt them. If I had not seen the previews, I would have believed they were really dead. I also was afraid for a second that Michelle was about to be suicidal in the car. I'm glad she didn't stoop to that course of action.
I do have to say, it was a great season and I can hardly wait til Jan to see Day 5. I can't wait to see what Jack will have to deal with that day. Long Live 24!!!
Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | TV Watch: ''24'': Jack's disappearing act
"Holes will be 'SCARY'" says Roy
newsobserver.com | College Sports
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
"Awesome God" banned from school's talent show!!!
News from Agape Press
Fantasy Football Mock Draft
SI.com - Writers - James Quintong: Football mock draft -- May edition - Thursday May 19, 2005 11:41AM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
More Star Wars Funny Stories
ABC7Chicago.com: Person wearing Darth Vader mask robs Springfield theater
N.C. Church sign speaks the Truth? Would really like feedback on this one :)
But, is this the way to reach others with the gospel. I know some will say that Jesus sometimes took on people and used this time of approach. Jesus also was a friend of sinners and won them with love. Which one should we be doing?
The Digital Courier: Church sign sparks debate
Looks like the Democrats Won
News from Agape Press
Hillary Invites Iowa Supporters to D.C.?, Gas Prices Drop, and Wachovia & Bank of America News
Clinton Invites Iowa Supporters to D.C. - Yahoo! News
Good news at the pumps. Gas prices are falling.
FOXNews.com - Business - DOE: Gasoline Price Falls, Still Memorial Day Record
Data at Bank of America, Wachovia, others compromised - May. 23, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
''Revenge of the Sith'' makes box office history
No more debate from Mr. Kevin Blackburn!
I Hope ;)
Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | Box Office Report: ''Revenge of the Sith'' makes box office history
Sunday, May 22, 2005
FOXNews.com - Foxlife - 'Sith' Sets Three- and Four-Day Records
I guess that Sith is the greatest$$$ movie of all time!!!
FOXNews.com - Foxlife - 'Sith' Sets Three- and Four-Day Records
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Season Five for 24, Star Wars Midnight Earnings and Opening Day, X3's Gambit
USATODAY.com - Fox loosens its grip on reality
Great New, Kevin Blackburn. Star Wars is the greatest Midnight Movie ever, making over 16 million dollars. It more than doubled the overrated, Lord of the Rings 3rd movie :) By the way, Kevin believes that a movie must make a lot of money to be great (something like that :) )
USATODAY.com - 'Star Wars' grosses $16.5M in midnight run
Largest Single Day in Movie History!!!
Box Office Mojo > News > 'Sith' Destroys Single Day Record
There will be a gambit in the new X3, but it doesnt say how big a role he'll have.
Unknown Actor for Gambit
Osama bin Laden on the run with a team, Pakistan says
USATODAY.com - Osama bin Laden on the run with a team, Pakistan says
Friday, May 20, 2005
Duke-UNC rivalry hits new heights on recruiting trail!
NCAA Basketball Duke-UNC rivalry hits new heights on recruiting trail - CBS SportsLine.com
Scott's Review of Sith
Obi Wan and Anakin are sent to rescue the Chancellor. R2D2 steals the first 15 minutes with some of the best scenes of the movie. We learn that R2 must have some Jedi in his circuits. He takes out some very large robots, and even has a since of humor. He has to hide his "cell phone" to keep the robots from finding him as Obi Wan is talking to him. Anakin takes care of Dooku and they return home.
The middle part of the movie is showing us how evil the chancellor is as he manipulates events to win Anakin to the Dark Side. The movie quickly grows darker and more sinister as Palpatine is getting his way.
Anakin will fall for the lies of Palpatine, and then attack his very own Jedi's. Mace is the first to die at Anakin's hands, and then the children. I did enjoy that the command to take out the Jed's by Darth Sidius was "Order 66". As many of you know, "66 is the greatest year of the 20th century". It did bring a smile to my face, even though it meant the destruction of the Jedi's.
The end was shocking (not really) but we have the long awaited duel with Vader and Obi Wan. It was the best light sabre duel of the series. Yoda, as a side effect, is taking on the emperor. It basically ends in a draw. Vader will eventually lose the lower part of his legs and then catch on fire.
We see the costume placed on Vader, and get to hear his famous breathing. At the same time, Luke and Leia are being born. Vader's wife unfortunately dies, after Vader puts a jedi choke hold on her, and Vader is lied to by the emperor once more. Vader believes he killed her and has no idea that his children were born.
X-Men 3, U2, and #1 Duke Basketball
Entertainment Weekly's EW.com | News: Kelsey Grammer to play Beast in ''X-Men 3''
This is an article about the upcoming concerts this Summer. Of course, U2 is the greatest tour that's going to be out there. It's only 206 days til Vertigo hits the Queen City :)
USATODAY.com - Tours de force
Duke Basketball continues to Dominate!!! I guess it must have been those commercials during "Matt's Boys" run to the championship. I guess the holes will have one championship in the 00's, and Duke may end up with three (01, 06, 07). Let's Go DUKE!!!
Winston-Salem Journal | Duke lands third commitment in three days
Calvin Klein's Newest Model

U.S. Military Upset with Picture!
USATODAY.com - U.S. military upset as tabloids show Saddam in underwear
At least Saddam wasn't at Abu Ghraib!!!
Latest 'Star Wars' Movie Is Quickly Politicized
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I know that I have the "habit" that I will wear the same thing everytime my team win. It's usually nothing more than a shirt (DUKE). When I was coaching basketball, I would try to have the same "routines" (especially if we were winning). Wear the same clothes, the same pre-game routines, music, etc. One season, we even had a special "Bioncle Bird" that joined our pre-game "habit". The team even had victory "routines" after a win. I always put the starters in the same order, unless there was a new starter (see the last NKCA season).
Do you have any "habits" "routines" "superstitions"?
Get US out of the UN
Are you ready for this?
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
To filibuseter or not to filibuster??
So come on guys this is a very important decision for our nation, so lets get some feedback. (Also nobody has written on any of my threads....even if this is just my 2nd, so write anything....even if it is just Scotty saying he doesn't understand what us grown ups are talking about).
Fox Renews 24 for 5th Day :)
Fox re-ups '24,' 'Arrested'
Monday, May 16, 2005
The show has a missle that we have not been able to find on some kind of satellite, or radar for the past hour. The show has a habit of using so much technology, but they can't find this thing on any of our NORAD stuff. I guess that's another reason that we need a "STAR WARS" missle defense system (thanks, Ronald Reagan). It's amazing that we can track tornadoes, lightning strikes, size of hail, etc with Doppler Nine, but we can't find a nuclear missle in the last hour. :(
Mandy, I still have trouble remembering her from the past seasons (except the famous Palmer handshake) but she's quite interesting. I think she must be Nina's sister or cousin. She's just cold and heartless.
I'm glad to see Michelle and Tony get together, but that will doom Tony, I'm afraid. As I said earlier, the show will not allow couples to survive. If they would not have made up, he would be safe from being killed by Mandy, or even Jack. Jack has been known to sacrifice a few of his "friends". I like Jack, but I don't think he would make a good friend.
Palmer needs to have a cage match with the Speaker of the House. It would not last long, for sure.
Well, Next week promises to be another great episode, but I may be very angry by 10:00pm. I may need to go and drown my sorrows next Monday with a cold, delicious, ..... Sonic shake :)
USATODAY's Review "Revenge of the Sith"
Above-average Atlantic Hurricane season expected
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Christian's Only Eight Games from Ring!!!
P.S. Finfan, I was wondering if you may not be a true Hole fan, but really a Duke fan. You do have a dog named, .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
.................CHRISTIAN!!! People usually name their dogs or even children (Cameron) after something that means a lot to them in a positive way. WOW!!! Finfan is a closet DUKE and Laettnar Fan. Amazing!!!
Kentucky Fans = Hole Fans
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Devils wouldn't be losing much
Spurrier is right about USC-UNC
Friday, May 13, 2005
Top 10 Amusement Parks in America
Duke's Shavlik Randolph Declares Himself Eligible For The NBA Draft

Die-hard fans pay $500 to see 'Star Wars'
Star Wars' Generation flap
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Scott & Friends
P.S. Dont let the people on "Fox and Friends" know the new title. They may own a copyright, trademark, or something like that.
Magnum XL & Millenium Force tie for #1
I'm shocked that the park was named the third best amusement park in the world. The article did not list who the top two are, but I find it hard to believe that anyone beats Cedar Point. CP is the "bomb" :)
Millenium Force

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Duke vs. UNC end date reserved / Schedules for growing ACC will focus on equity
I'm also glad to see the league finally admit that last year's schedule was a joke. I said all year how the "tar holes" had the easiest schedule possible, and Duke's was outrageously difficult. I hope that they are sincere in making the schedule equal this year. I still think that unc will, once again, play most of the JV teams in the ACC this year. Of course, the JV teams will be able to beat the 2006 tar holes :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
ACC in Charlotte? Not looking good
Monday, May 09, 2005
I'm glad to see that Chloe and Jack could become an item. Chloe will be there for Jack at 8:00am. I know she would be better than Audrey. I don't like her at all. I'm also upset that Chloe was told she had a "personality disorder". That was not nice. Audrey has more of an disorder than "Commando Chloe".
I don't see how they're going to resolve this missile (unless we shoot it down over the great lakes, or it misfires into the Atlantic). It doesn't look good for some city on the east coast. I hope it's not Kannapolis that is the target.
The situation with China, and it looks like on the previews that they were firing a missle into Jack's car, if I saw that correctly. I also wonder if the show will have a special commercial reminding people that Chinese people are not all bad as they did with Muslims earlier in the season???
It looks like Tony and Michelle may get back together, but I read that two people are going to die in the final episode. I hope it's not like the first season, with Jack's wife being killed after getting back together.
The previews finally show Sec. Heller and his son from the beginning of the day. I was wondering what had happened to them. I have a bad feeling about those two and their possible involvement with Marwan. I wonder if Marwan will suffer the same fate as Nina, at the hands of Jack Bauer.
Hoping for a Fifth Day in 2006!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Mountain Preacher
First, I do not believe that church membership should ever be based on anyone besides Jesus Christ. I believe that you have to be a Christian, which includes a profession of faith and to be baptized as a sign of that covenant, is the only qualifications for church membership that I believe is taught.
Second, I agree that a pastor in the pulpit on Sunday should not publicly endorse a specific candidate, but that pastors should preach the Word of God. If the things that the Bible teaches tend to favor one candidate over the other, so be it. I know there are issues that are taught in the Bible that fall into the platforms for both parties, so the priority of the individual will help shape his political opinions. If someone feels that Abortion is the most important Biblical teaching, then they will probably vote Republican. If someone feels that "Helping the Poor and Widows" is the most important Biblical teaching, then they will probably vote democrat.
Third, the threat of taking away a church's "tax exempt" status over this, and see how the democrats used churches in the past campaign, just seems very Hypocritical to me. I remember John Edwards came and spoke to an African American church in the Charlotte region, and no one screamed for that church to lose their "tax exempt" status. I have seen both parties do this, and it does not really bother me or will not sway me one way of the other in an election. I believe that there are people in the IRS that would love to see this begin, and the dominoe effect that this would have on churches is very scary to me.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
We met at O'Charley's in Salisbury and as usual, had some very insightful topics. If you've ever seen the ESPN show, PTI, sometimes that's what it is like. The topics can range from, usually sports and his sorry teams : Tar Holes and the Dolphins. What a LOSER!!! to religion, politics, etc.
Last night, we got discussing the current state of gas prices. I was complaining, of course, that the oil companies are in cohoots to keep prices high and to continue to have record breaking profits, as they are having right now. Oil prices have dropped under $50.00 a barrel, but the cost at the pump has only come down, like 4 cents. He, of course, was taking the side and begin to espouse the "gospel of capitalism".
Now, dont get me wrong, I'm not saying that capitalism is not a good system, but I find it funny how some people think that Capitalism was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Rush Limbaugh, Most Republicans, and Darel Canup :) sometimes act as if Capitalism is from God and I was thinking about what does the Bible say about economic systems.
I know in the Old Testament, there was the year of Jubilee where all debt was canceled and slaves were free. It was a time to "start over" and was a demonstration of God's forgiveness to us. I know that our "Capitalist" system would definitely not be in favor of this. Banks would oppose it, and we just pass a law to make it more difficult for people to declare bankruptcy.
The early church was seen as a group who share all they had. You find that in Acts as the church is starting out. It seemed that there was not a "make as much money as I can" philosophy, but to do what was good for everyone.
Jesus taught a few parables that taught us to be good stewards of what the Lord has given us and to help the poor, widows, orphans, etc.
I dont think that the Bible really teaches either capitalism, communism, socialism, etc. but it clearly teaches us to be people who are forgiving of others (debts, sins, etc.), so share and help with our Christian brothers and sisters, and to be good stewards.
What do you think???
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Thoughts on "Sith"
I remember the opening scene, with the scroll telling about "A New Hope" but here was this space ship being attacked and taken over by these "storm troopers." Even at the age of 10, I thought that only Adolph Hitler had these soldiers, and that was 30+ years earlier. There was this firefight on board the ship, and throught the smoke came this creature, Darth Vader. For a 10 year old in the Gem Theater, He was really scary. The voice was the worse thing about him. He definetly sounded like he needed to sit down to talk to Oprah or Larry King, but they were not around in 1977. When and where was this "New Hope" going to come from. The movie did have a happy ending with the Death Star destroyed and, I thought, Vader spinning out of control in his ship to never be seen again. Boy, I was wrong about that in 1977. Vader and company would come back for more, in 1980 (Ronald Reagan, enough said) and in 1983 (U2 becoming popular, Amen). He came back in 1999 (NKCA basketball sucked, "let's be honest here") then in 2002 (NKCA basketball was conference champions!!!).
It's 2005, and I'm really excited about going to see how this will end up with Anakin putting on one of the most famous costumes, and getting "that voice" back. I hope to see it at Midnight when it opens and maybe a couple of more times that first weekend. "May the Force be with You."
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Happy Anniversary unc
I just wanted to wish all my tar hole friends a happy, one month anniversary on their National Championship. I am really proud of the progress that Doherty's boys showed from their freshmen year to their senior year. It is truly a great, Hoosiers style movie. I cant wait for the movie, that I'm sure will be on ESPN within the year. It will be a huge night this fall when they play the movies Junction Boys, 3, and
Dean Smith, Marlon Brando if he was still alive, but i guess it will have to be Al Pacino.
Matt Doherty, it has to be George Clooney.
Roy Williams, I think Bruce Willis, with a toupee.
The Players, anyone from a Spike Lee Movie.
Well, I hope you all enjoy today. I'm sorry that the "jailbreak" occurred so fast, that it has taken some of the joy away from their great accomplishment, but enjoy the next 5 months as National Champions. The Joy will quickly once they take the court in October.
Let's Go DUKE!!!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Monday, May 02, 2005
Doyle Duke Bashing
Hi! Welcome to my Blog